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Camp Waiver Forms.
Please sign below.

(child's name, parent signature)

Thanks for submitting!

By signing above you are signing for both Shasta Union High School District and P.R.O. Athletics waiver forms.


Shasta Union High School District Waiver




For students /adults participating in voluntary school sponsored camp/ activity


I authorize the above participant to participate in the described activities shown. I understand and acknowledge that these activities, by their very nature, pose the potential risk of serious injury /i11ness to individuals who participate in such activities.


I understand and acknowledge that participation in these activities is completely voluntary .


I understand and acknowledge that in order to participate in these activities, I agree to assume liability and responsibility for any and all potential risks that may be associated with participation in such activities.


I understand, acknowledge, and agree that the Shasta Union High School District and University Preparatory School, its elected or appointed officials, employees, agents, and volunteers shall not be liable for any injury/illness suffered by the participant which is incident to and/ or associated with preparing for and/ or participating in this activity and I voluntarily assume all risk, known or unknown, of injuries, howsoever caused, even if caused, in whole or in part by the action, inaction , or negligence, of the released parties to the fullest extent allowed by law.


In the event of illness of injury, I do hereby consent to whatever x-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical, surgical or dental diagnosis or treatment and hospital care are considered necessary in the best judgment of the attending physician, surgeon, or dentist and performed by or under the supervision of a member of the medical staff of the hospital or facility furnishing medical or dental services.


I acknowledge that I have carefully read this VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES PARTICIPATION FORM and that I

understand and agree to its terms.

PRO Athletics Waiver


I, the undersigned, attest that I am participating in one or more sports programs/camps sponsored by P.R.O. Athletics. It may include, but not necessarily be limited to training of any kind by any affiliates, subsidiaries or partnership of P.R.O. Athletics. P.R.O. Athletics made me fully aware that the sports programs/camps which P.R.O. Athletics offers and in which I desire to participate in are of a nature and kind that can be strenuous and can/may push me to the limits of my physical abilities. I recognize and understand the sports programs/leagues offered by P.R.O. Athletics are not without varying degrees of risk which may include, but are not limited to the following; injury to the musculoskeletal system which can result in serious injury or death, injury or death due to negligence on the part of myself, my training partner, or other people around me, injury or death due to improper use or failure of equipment, or injury or death due to a medical condition, whether known or unknown by me. I am aware that any of these above-mentioned risks may result in serious injury or death to me and/or my partners.



As a participant I recognize that there are hazards and risks connected with sports programs/leagues. These risks include, but are not limited to, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, heart disorders and heart attack, dehydration, heat exhaustion, sprains, muscle strain, blisters, stress fracture, shin splints, tendonitis, cartilage tears, bursitis, back pain and bruising of joints. Exercise beyond one's physical limits and/or accidents involving exercise equipment may result in serious injury or even death. P.R.O. Athletics will not be held liable for any on or off premises incidents. I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless P.R.O. Athletics against any loss, damage or expense incurred by reason of any claim or liability based upon personal injury (including death) or property damage arising out of the negligent or intentional action as a participant. I further agree to release P.R.O. Athletics and its owners, officers, agents, employees and affiliates from any and all liability arising out of injury and further agree to defend, indemnify and hold P.R.O. Athletics, its owners, officers, employees and affiliates free and harmless from and against the same. Participant acknowledges that surveillance cameras are in use for the protection of the Facility, its equipment and its members. Participant hereby consents to being photographed and/or recorded for such purposes.



1.) Participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist. 2.) I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the releases or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation. 3.) I willingly agree to comply with stated and customary terms and conditions for participation as regards protection against infectious diseases. If, however, I observe any unusual or significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately.



I give permission to P.R.O. Athletics to use photographs, audio, or video taken of me or my participant during games and events associated with P.R.O. Athletics to promote sports programs/trainings as determined at the sole discretion of P.R.O. Athletics. Use could include publications, media releases, announcements, electronic or otherwise and on P.R.O. Athletics websites or social media platforms. I understand that I will not receive any compensation if such image appears in any of the manners listed above or any other manner that the sports programs/leagues deems appropriate.





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